Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Penn Oaks Getaway 2016

Last week's getaway is in the books! We had a great time and I got a lot of things done. Not all 6 things that I brought but I made a good dent.
I found this star block in an old book. It has pictures but no directions how to put it together. I drafted my own block which is good because I want it to fit in a specific spot. I have started doing this because I like to rotate my quilts. Only the half square triangles on the right hand side are sewn on. I started getting bored and decided to stop plus I wanted to put it on my design wall to figure out how I wanted the triangles to go. The corners are going to get a white square.
I am looking forward to quilting this and want to do some "fancy" quilting in the big middle white spot!

This was my favorite project that I worked on. It required no measuring or anything precise.

I just randomly sewed my scraps together, no planning other than no same fabrics next to each other.

After I sewed things together I trimmed them up to get rid of the jagged edges. Sometime I just sewed over them, especially when I was getting tired.

Before you know it I had a bunch of strips.

They just kept getting bigger and bigger. I still have a ton of scraps!

I made another pincushion for the swap next week. I love that typewriter....

I started a paper pieced project but felt like I needed more room, so only 1 block got made. I will be going back to this one!

Fay Ann has been sewing for a long time and made some very cute kid's quilts. Every night she was the last one to bed! When I grow up I want to be as cool as Fay Ann!
Everyone agreed this was one of the best getaways. I am really lucky to have some really nice people to get away with!



  1. Maybe Fay Ann wants to be you when she grows up:)

  2. Lovely work on all projects. The star looks wonderful.Great work on the pp block and the pin cushion. Great way to use up left overs in the scrappy quilt, but the pile never seems to go down.

  3. Fay Ann is definitely cool! Nice to see here pic. What a contrast between stark black & white/balanced to absolute rainbow random, I'll bet you had fun. Off to my retreat in a bit over an hour.

  4. Oh I like your scrappy quilt! Those are so fun to make and your fabrics are so happy!! Sounds like a fun retreat you had!

  5. Sounds fun and productive! I love the comment about trimming when you're tired. LOL
    I want to be as cool as Fay Ann as well!

  6. I love your scrappy quilt and way to go Fay Ann!

  7. What a great mix of different projects!! Your black and white quilt is so striking and I love your scrappy quilt, such a yummy mix of fabrics and colours.

  8. So much going on! Love your scrappy work. Your fabric is always droolworthy.:)

  9. Looks like you had a great time away - and got so much done!! Love the little scrappy pieces.

  10. Your scrappy top is like an explosion of color and patter. It's so fun. Looks like you and your friends had an awesome time.

  11. wow so much to enjoy here. I really really like the scrap project. It looks fun to make and fun to look at. We used to call this a "mile a minute" quilt. Do you remember those? Your pallet is so clear that it works great together!
    super cute pincushion -your swap partner is lucky!
    Fay Ann is good example to us all! xo

  12. oh yea, and I like your black and white star. corners are always a challenge with HST -
    quiltcon 2017???

  13. Even I am tempted by that cool paper pieced block. Love the scrappy quilt-- so happy!

  14. Your scrappy quilt is delightful and wow that black and white star top is powerful. Is the quilting going to be traditional or modern?


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