Before I announce the winners I thought I would share with you a good thought. Every day we have choices to make, some good and some bad. Sometimes I can let those thoughts get the best of me, even though I try to put them out of my mind. Just a little note like this can be a game changer and I for one need to remember really is the little things that make life the best ever!
For inquiring minds Madison wrote it on the post-it like pad. It folds up like a little letter, I found them at Walmart. Of course I bought her some of her own.......
So the winner of this pincushion is Sarah who said.........
"Favorite chore is canning! If it has to be cleaning, I would say decluttering. I love getting rid of excess and seeing how pretty a room is without the extra stuff. Least favorite is scrubbing the showers and the stove"
I LOVE decluttering and getting rid of old junk that is taking up space. Now that my houseguests are gone that is the plan, to get cleaning and purge my house of clutter. I am with her on cleaning showers, not a favorite but definitely feels like an accomplishment when it's done.
I decided to go ahead and make another one. For the second winner I will come clean and tell you I kind of cheated and chose her ......the winner is Jess Braskey.
Jess said........
"Wow, six years! Congratulations, Kelly! I thoroughly enjoy following your blog and social media postings; you have inspired me in many ways!
My favorite fall chore is decorating. And call me weird, but I don't have a least favorite chore! I don't mind any of them!"
Jess is a brand new quilter and the DIL of a friend of mine. I think we all can remember how exciting it was in the beginning and a little overwhelming. I hope this encourages her to keep on going. You have got to love a woman who loves to decorate and apparently loves to clean too!
The deer have been the bane of my existence this summer. Not only did they eat everything around the mailbox but they are smart enough to know that the leaves of the morning glories are ok to eat but the flowers are poisonous.
They have also eaten all my tomatoes. I think we maybe got 5 the entire summer. Just when we thought maybe we would get some late season tomatoes we found a horrible site this morning. They completely pulled it out of the ground, roots and all! There is a doe with triplets and 3 large bucks roaming around, we don't stand a chance.
There are a few things they don't like, my beauty bushes are doing wonderful. One of the only purple things I like.
The last of my waning summer flowers, zinnias, vinca (the bush kind) coleus, butterfly bush and the orange ones are a type of sunflower. The colors are so pretty they stop me in my tracks every time I walk downstairs
Congratulations to the winners! Thank you to everyone who reads my blog I love reading your comments, thoughts and suggestions. You inspire me all the time.
My mouse all of a sudden started working again, I am not sure why but thanks for all the suggestions!