Thursday, June 4, 2020


I am a little frustrated. Blogger changed it's format and I am trying to figure it out.....why can't they leave wel enough alone?
My new ironing board cover. This is the one I use that is near my sewing machine to press blocks and small pieces of fabrics.

I love how it fills the space and makes it easy to iron a fat quarter. The top one is the old one, you can see how small it was.

I am doing the Alison Glass stitch along. It is to work on our hand stitching and enjoying the slower process. I made a large container for I am not sure what. A bottle of wine will fit in there though....

Our first prompt was to use the Kantha stitch. I really enjoyed this and it did not take as long as I thought it would.

My quilt is getting bigger! All the blocks are sewn and trimmed. I just need to sew them together.

So now that I made my new ironing board......I found another way to press seams. Use your roller (I think I purchased this for paper piecing?) Open the seam and roll back and forth a few times.

I was skeptical but look how flat it is! Also there is no distortion and it takes 2 seconds.

I feel this technique is good for when you want your seams open. Look how nice they look!!! They never look this good when I iron.

A very nice flat block. I am going to be using this for lots of blocks.

Did you see this? Marcia, Marcia, Marcia has her own line of fabric! It does feel so 1970's. You can be sure I will be getting some of this. What do you think yes or no?
