Friday, March 15, 2019

What's Up With Blogging?

Today is a gorgeous warm spring day in Pennsylvania! So what better time to show you my temperature quilt?
I started this last year in 2018 on January first. You make a block a day. There are all kinds of variations on Instagram but I decided to do something easy because you know the initial enthusiasm can fade before you know it.  Quilting is by Carolyn Davis and Jamie Loncaric.

So my colors reflect the temperature of the day. The triangle in the middle, called the goose, was the warmest temp of the day. The outer triangles or the sky was the coolest. If you see a white one that means it snowed that day. I changed colors every four degrees to get a good color range.

On the months where we don't have 31 days I just extended the block. If you are thinking of doing this make a chart of your fabric swatches to make it easy. I really enjoyed this year long project and it is a surprise when you are finished!

This week at my guild, we had Helen Ernst talk to us about Renewing Vintage Linens. It was a wonderful lecture and fun workshop. You can follow Helen on Instagram @tilwequiltagain  This is a vintage hankie used to make a wall hanging.

I had to bring a little spring in the house. I love have forsythia branches that can be forced into pops of color to get rid of the winter doldrums.

Ranunculus is easier to write than to say for me. I love how delicate they are and pretty in pink! I am going to be picking some more of these up at the grocery store the next time I am there.

I have been sewing but not as much as I would like. I know spring is around the corner and that means lots of outside work and little to no sewing. Don't you love those bees? I decided to have some hand work handy to be more productive in the evenings when I don't want to be at the machine.

I am doing a Trinket Sew Along with a couple of friends and a bunch of people on Instagram. They are paper pieced and I am using bright happy colors.

The blocks are very simple and it is interesting to see what people are using and the color combinations/fabric choices.

I am also working on a long term project that will be revealed at a later date.... FYI these blocks are rejects.

My sewing room is a mess but I don't care, it means I am sewing! I still need to get back to my Bonnie Hunter quilt. That went by the way side....see what I mean about the initial enthusiasm waning? Not really I just needed a break from it and will get back on it now that I saw guild member, Betty's finished Good Fortune quilt! It was spectacular!

I am still painting too. These are very small (3" x 3") and gifts for some friends. I am finding I like smalls and might need to do some more. It is so unlike quilting....quick, fast, you can cover up mistakes with paint and if you hate it you didn't spend days/weeks/month/years! doing it!

Okay so let's talk about the blogging world. What is going on out there? Has Instagram taken over? I do feel guilty because Instagram is simple and easy with little time commitment and I post there a lot.

It also seems like people are not leaving comments as much on blogs any more either. I usually get 300-500 views a day but very few comments. I will also have a day (a couple of weeks ago) where I will get over 1,000 views but again not many comments. So are people looking but not taking the time to comment or is the content too boring after you take a look? Just wondering...I also know Blogger has changed things up and maybe that is contributing?

I am not on Facebook and will never be on it again! I have heard lots of people are deleting their pages. What do you think about Facebook? I heard a funny comment about FB recently......"Remember when parents started wearing bell bottoms, that's when the teenagers stopped!" It made me laugh out loud!



  1. I still read and enjoy blogs but I am often guilty of not taking the time to comment. There are no blogger issues that I know of that are affecting me, I sometimes just read in a hurry and move on. I know that shortchanges the blogger who put lots of time into the post. I will try to remember that! I have never done facebook, nor do I intend to. Our son told my husband and me years ago that parents and grandparents have ruined facebook. We took it as our sign we should not sign up! Actually, he's not all that into it either, but I know lots of people are. I don't do Instagram either, although I may, someday.

  2. Oh, one other thing, your temperature quilt is gorgeous!

  3. I'm a fairly new follower so don't know how many comments you've been used to receiving. For myself, I 'follow' well over 200 blogs but don't comment on too many for a variety of reasons, usually having to do with time! I'll comment on a particularly interesting finished quilt, or in response to a process issue, or in most cases it's because the blogger has become a personal friend through blogging and also is one who reads and often comments on my own blog posts because we have similar quilting interests. If I find a new blog to follow and comment a few times but never receive a response or a return visit to my blog, I'll quit commenting though I might still read that blogger's posts occasionally. Also, I rarely comment on blogs where the quilter has a lot of advertisement content. Lastly, lately I've noticed a huge uptick in 'followers' through Bloglovin who are all affiliated with the same illicit site out of a foreign country. Employing comment moderation on my blog generally keeps them from commenting, though I suspect comment moderation may discourage some legitimate followers from bothering to comment. All that said, I do enjoy reading your blog and seeing all the projects and inspiration your content provides! I hope you don't abandon your blog for Instagram, not going down that rabbit-hole.

  4. Oh I do love your Temperature quilt! Lovely, lovely colors. The fact that it's a journal of sorts for one year just makes it even better! Your little paintings are so sweet. My sister has started painting with water colors and she explains it much like you do.:) Blogging is definitely different these days. I think many of us follow a lot more blogs than we used to. The time element to comment on all and then to respond back to comments on our own blogs can get very consuming. Plus, I for one read through Bloglovin' and so will not comment from that site--too difficult. I like to wait till I can use my desktop computer and comment straight from my blog. The problem is, sometimes I read a blog post early in the morning and it might be awhile till I have time/opportunity to comment or I might even forget. Maybe blogger/wordpress needs a 'like' button too like some of the other apps!

  5. Love your temperature quilt- neat idea- one which I may try. Just went and had a look at the images on google. Now I know I will.

  6. I know that you thought that temperature quilt would never end but I love the overall effect. I love your little paintings too. By the way, your granite looks very similar to the granite I just had installed in my Florida house.

  7. I am guilt of reading and not commenting. Blogloving doesn't allow me to comment. I do get your blog on my blog feed, so I should comment more. Your work is gorgeous.

  8. I have a couple of thoughts here, about blogging. I think a lot of people read blogs and then 'pin' an idea without making a comment. Sad, but if you look up your Pinterest page, you'll see what I mean. From that I occasionally get an email from someone who would like the pattern of a quilt I've made and they saw on Pinterest! Blogger has changed in recent days. It's at the top of your 'Posts' page in the yellow box. It mentions Google+ comments etc. I had a long time follower tell me she had trouble leaving a comment so I think that has something to do with it. Another reason could be that some blogs which have advertising all over them turned me off following them. Finally there are still well known bloggers out there who write wonderful blog posts but don't bother to answer comments!! Why would I waste my time on them? Not that you are in that realm Kelly! I love, love, love your temperature quilt! The colour palette you chose is gorgeous! Oh, and IG is quicker too!

    1. Google+ is being (or has been) phased out and it did cause some issues for some commenters.

  9. I just want to say that I don't leave comments too often simply because I lack time, not because I'm bored. I always enjoy the blogs.

  10. I love visiting blogs and seeing lovely quilts but I do not always take the time to comment since I visit a lot of blogs. If i would comment on every blog I read i would not have time to do anything else. I do not visit instagram and am not fond of facebook. That trinket project looks very interesting. And the temperature quilt is lovely

  11. I love reading your blog....I'm a Pennsylvania girl who moved to Colorado....I'm not going to enjoy spring for a few more months and I loved seeing the forsythia in bloom....keep blogging

  12. Love your temperature quilt and congrats on sticking to it! that is a big commitment. Love your little framed paintings and the fresh flowers. I love having something blooming in the house. I always love seeing your fun fabrics in posts.
    Have fun with the trinkets I'm following you all on IG.

    Sooo, about blogging. As you know I also asked the question about it being relevant. I did hear from readers, and I try not to mind when hundreds read and no one comments. but I have noticed that readership is way down. I can see the numbers on blogger. Maybe I'm stale or boring. Don't know. Like you, I don't run ads, pop ups or do sponsorships so I do enjoy interactions with readers, like comments. Have you also noticed that people are literally writing blog length posts on IG? what the ?
    I'm trying to remember that it is a visual journal for me about my life and projects.
    FB is quandary for me. I like have the swap group on and follow a few people but I hate the loss of privacy. I may think about giving it up again. My son deleted his permanently.

  13. As usual, you have such inspirational quilts and projects. Your paintings are so nice and pretty, too! As to your question about blogging, I always read your posts but since I receive emails showing you posted, I often just read it in my email. I also follow you on Instagram. Just seems so many things pulling at us that I don't often take the time to comment. I, like you, am not a FB fan and got off about a year ago. I also like it when you posts books you've been reading - in fact I need to check now. The colors of your BH mystery are so interesting, I do want to see how they turn out. I did mine in Bonnie's color choices but used 1800 reproduction fabrics.

  14. It's the perfect day to share your terrific temperature quilt! I love seeing your painting anytime as well--there's a lot of joy in your blog and I look forward to that. P.S. I'm having fun with Christmas Figs, thanks to you. On block four and will be doing lots of "feather triangles" today. Love it!

  15. it's hard for some people to leave comments. For instance I get email notices of your post and read it there. You can't comment from there, to comment I have to come over to the actual blog. Nothing wrong with blogging, it's so much better than just getting a picture out of the blue, to me. It holds content in one location. You can do in depth tutorials or write stories. I find it much better than instagram. I will not do FB, never have and won't. I am the same as you with views/comments. Every so often I get an email from someone who says she's been reading for years but never comments! I lost a lot of views when G+ went away as people followed thru that. There are changes happening but this is still the best format for me to write in, and read. We're not alone.
    We also do not need 5000 likes a day, or followers to be connecting with people, that's a product of social media that to say more is better. Actually it's better to share something real with a few people who really get you, and enjoy you. It's a real connection, right? LeeAnna

  16. Our Textile guild is doing this in knitted wool. 30 people participated--it is a Climate Change Strip ( can't remember the correct name)----You take a historical year in the place that you live and knit the color of the temperatures every 10 days. The colors are set for everyone and the wool is given to each person. These long strips ( about 6 inches wide will be displayed in our Textile Museum in April. (La Conner Wash.) I hope you keep on blogging.

  17. Thanks for sharing all those beautiful colors. Makes me feel like spring is near. I love that trinket quilt. I have seen it in some different color ways. Looks like a fun one.

  18. I love your temperature quilt!

  19. First, I always enjoy your posts - so much color!
    Until recently, I was unable to comment on blogger blogs. Not sure why but I am happy to have that option again
    I have recently taken an Instagram and Facebook break. I am in a few closed groups in Facebook a that I enjoy but I don’t use thit main feed. Mostly I’m trying to figure out how to enjoy blogs and online connections in a more reasonable fashion.

  20. Your temperature quilt is amazing! I've never heard of that and I'm so impressed with how gorgeous yours turned out. You chose your colors well, or maybe your weather is just more interesting than ours is? LOL
    I am finding that my blog visits are way up but like you, very few comments. It's hard to know what causes that or at least I haven't figured it out. I just rattle on about everything, there's no telling. I always enjoy your posts and how cheerful the colors and photos are. Thanks for taking the time to share.

  21. I’m guilty of reading and not always commenting on posts either but I prefer blogs to Instagram. I just read the post by Occasional Piece. She is just starting her temperature quilt...2 months so far in CA. A bit different than PA!

  22. I love reading blogs! Just don't always feel the need to be chatty. Lol! Great temperature quilt! Love your version. I flip to instgram for the visuals and to blogs to read the stories,the process etc. That is what I truly. Enjoy.(I appreciate the link from instagram to blog when it is there from instagrammers who blog) WE ARE OUT HERE- reading, learning snd clicking on your links:) It is a beautiful day although chilly in my part of Northwestern PA. Have a lovely week.

  23. Gorgeous colours in your quilt ~ sorry, but I am guilty of not commenting much, as I often use my little lunch break to check blogs & still answer phones at work ~ also I am in Australia so we have just finished Summer and I tend to spend more time outdoors in the evening, walking our 2 dogs and watering the veggie patch. I tend to read more blogs in the cooler months during the evening & yes I think IG may have a lot to do with a downturn in commenting, as IG is such a quick way to get a Quilt Fix.

  24. I still love reading blogs! Sometimes I think no one could possibly be interested in my comment, sometimes I can’t think of anything original to say, and sometimes I am just plain lazy. See? It’s not about you. It’s all about me! I do unsubscribe from the blogs that no longer interest me. I do think Instagram has spoiled us. We just want to clock a little heart and move on to the next pic. Thank you for taking the time to blog!

  25. I love your goose project! Great colors and variations on a block, really fun!!

  26. Guilty of not commenting as much as I would like...I too read these at lunch and time just flies!!
    Not on IG though my sister says I would love it....I like blogs, I like seeing how-to's pics, and the stories that go with....thanks for sharing!!! Love the TEMP quilt - now I want to know what all the colors very intriguing!!!!!

  27. So in love with your temperature quilt, Kelly! It's very striking.

    I never thought I would, but the ease of IG has become so very appealing. That's not to say that I don't visit blogs anymore, just not as often. I don't want blogs to disappear, I love the depth on this platform - IG doesn't replace that. I've noticed the same trend regarding comments and visits. There definitely has been a shift.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend and so happy you're still blogging, my friend!

  28. A bit late to the party but I wanted to share my thoughts on blogging. IT IS NOT DEAD -- no matter how many folks use IG and/or FB (not me, not ever again), blogging is the only way we can share our stories and the tales behind our makings. I know lots of folks read with out commenting, often because they read blogs on their tablets and without a proper keyboard, hunting and pecking out a comment is frustrating (even more so if they read blogs on their phone). And when there are huge numbers of views without any comments, I always suspect something nefarious and check my stats for audience and traffic sources (and sure enough the label "barn love" on my book blog garnered some attention from a couple of adult sites so that label has been changed). I blog for myself and to share what I do with others. Things ebb and flow and some weeks it is easier to find time to think and comment than others. I'm grateful for my readers and know they are out there - as are yours. The main thing is for us to KEEP BLOGGING! Always enjoy your posts.

  29. Well you’re sure getting a heck of a lot more comments on your blog posts than I do on mine. Count that as a good thing! I’ll never be on FB either, and it drives me nuts when I get alerts to watch a live FB video, or go to FB to vote for something. I’m enjoying watching your temp quilt. Mine is coming along, though I’m trying to figure out how to arrange my drunkard’s path blocks. They don’t look good when I “point” the curve up or down when the temp is higher or lower temp than the day before. Are most people using each day’s average high to decide whether to point the block up or down?

  30. I stopped commenting on blogs because the majority of bloggers did not reapond. So frustrating. I even went back to see if maybe I missed it but nope. They just didn't care enough to respond or answer my questions. Also, I think blogs are hard to find. I used to do "Finish It Up Friday" with Crazy Mom Quilts, but when she stopped blogging I stopped searching. Your Temp Quilt is absolutely stunning!!!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I truly admire and appreciate the time you take to post such colorful images and compose a few words in very interesting posts. I steered away from FB also so blogs like this are a real treat for me. Thank you.

  33. I have NO idea if you'll see this comment but I came across your beautiful temperature quilt on Pinterest and followed it here to your blog. I have a question about your temperature quilt. At the bottom of some of the columns it looks like you put some of the geese back to back (rather than all the geese flying in the same direction). Could you please explain to me why? Thanks!

  34. I just went on a fantastic goose hunt in Colorado with Birds and Bucks Outdoor! Excellent choice for amazing adventures.
    Colorado goose hunting


I love to read your comments, they make my day!