Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Week end Getaway

This weekend is the Penn Oaks Quilter's getaway. It is always so much fun and I usually get a lot accomplished. Some adult beverages are included but no one gets carried away, they usually are still stitching away into the wee hours. I found this bottle of wine and it cracked me up. Yes I have been buying my wine by looking at the picture of the label, their marketing works, on me at least. This was pretty good, a nice California red  but alas red wine and me do not get along. I still had a couple of glasses anyway.....

So even though there is no picture, this one caught my attention and I enjoyed reading the description. I will be taking this one with me for the weekend.
I will do some posts next week about the get away and hopefully some finished projects.

Happy Anniversary to my husband, Bob...... 37 years!

Congratulations to my friend Barb, she has a quilt in the Quilt Almanac 2013!


Monday, February 25, 2013

Miscellaneous Monday

My baby sister Flynn's birthday is this week. Remember all those scraps I was playing with this past week? Well they were turned into a runner. I am not sure if she will like it or not, but it is colorful!

The fabric on the back is one my favorites, a Heather Bailey from long ago. I like it with the binding.

Today my granddaughter, Maddy made a counter quilt. I wanted to go through some charm squares and she needed to see all of them.

This is her favorite, she even took it with her! Apparently we are now sharing fabric....

We did not have enough time for glitter today but she still managed to get into the craft room to make me a card. These are the days you want to keep forever.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Zig Zag Scraps

Those scraps really did inspire me. The colors look bad in the light, but it is fun to make.

I took the trimmings from the first quilt and started sewing them together, very addictive.

Why do I feel like I have more scraps than what I started with?

Anyone else ready for Spring???


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday Winner!

 I pawed through my scraps looking for some little extras to put in the give away. They were a mess.    Even though I have been quilting for a long time I never took the time to put my scraps in color order.

I did have them sort of in order, 4 pink basket type things but all mixed up. Don't you love the candles and the piles of fabric! It was the only place big enough to spread them all out.

I instantly became inspired looking at all those like colors together. Now I know why people do this.....

I had a lot more orange and yellow than I thought........

 and not much purple, it is my least favorite color but it does have it's place.

So what color scraps did I have the most of???? no, not pink but blue of the sky blue variety. I was kind of surprised by that one. I also found these lovely little flowers that were tucked in to the mess of scraps. I added them to the give away. I think they will be in a good home.

I picked my granddaughter, Maddy  up from school and promised her she could help me pick the name. Here she is folding them all up.

Mixing them up......

She can't believe who won.......

Pat's Patch! Pat does not have a blog but she is a member of my Penn Oaks Guild. Congratulations Pat!!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

500 Posts Give Away

Yesterday I realized that I just hit my 500th (is that a word?) post. Apparently I have a lot to say.....So why not a give away? I picked out some of my favorite scraps, after I took the picture I was thinking I really should save them, but no I will share. Now that I think of it I will put some surprises in there too, no dogs I promise!

I will also be giving away this awesome book, it is so full of inspiration. Maybe you just might want to try and make a small quilt every month for a year too. I love to look at this over and over again.

To win you must be sure that I have your email....or I can't contact you. You must be a follower and I want to know what is your favorite color combination?
I will pick the winner on Wednesday and will mail it anywhere in the world!

Oh and if anyone can tell me an easy and quick way to adjust my header I would be eternally grateful!
Good Luck!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Too Cool For School

I found these IPhone cases on a site called Quilt My Phone I can't decide which one I like the best! You can even have a picture of your own quilt put on the case too. They have many different varieties for all different kinds of devices. The price for the phone cases start at $35, not too bad for something so cool!

Last night my husband and I had a quiet dinner at home. I decided to make it a little bit romantic with some candles.....

I had a bunch of candlesticks holders leftover from my plate stands craft project so I put them to good use. They are all "crystal" wink wink so they looked good together. My husband was a little worried about burning the house down!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Calico Cutters Quilt Guild

How gorgeous is this? We have some of the best show and tell around at our guild. This is made by Ann Tumolo who took a work shop with Christine Morgan, using her chenille technique.

Here is another one Ann made, how fun! Ann has a great color sense in her quilting and in her clothing.

 Here is a close up of those lips...

This is another great quilt made by Betty Dix using a pattern from Bonnie Hunter. My picture of the whole quilt did not turn out but what a cool block! The centers of those stars are string pieced.

 February is our Demo meeting where members demonstrate a pattern or technique to small groups. You rotate to each teacher through the day. It is always fun and no matter how skilled you are, there is something to learn every year. This was a paper piecing lesson and I thought this star was very interesting.

This was really fun! Who knew you could make a necklace using some rope and fabric?

You can make it jewel length or....

or make it a little longer and put in some loops for interest.

Dimensional bow ties and flying geese, very simple and effective.

Some simple curved piecing by Ann who made those beautiful pillows. Can you find the dog fabric in there?

You can really sense the water in that fabric!

A disappearing nine patch demo. She also did it with a 4 patch, the wheels were turning!

A darling little card holder (pattern by Valorie Wells) that was a hit!

A good time for everyone and kudos to the ladies who made it a nice day.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Good Rainy Monday Morning

Our annual Penn Oaks Quilt Guild Getaway is coming up soon. Last year I started this zig zag quilt and have not touched it since then. I am still going to do a zig zag, just not this one.

I decided to make a pillow. I had a 20" pillow form. My block was not big enough so I added fabric to all 4 sides.

After I added the strips to the sides, I layered it with batting and some scrap fabric. It is quilted with a meandering stitch. Of course because it doesn't matter the back came out just as perfect as the front!

I love this fabric and decided it would be a pretty back. The envelope method is used which makes it quick.

Here it is finished before I washed it.

After being I said it is raining, hard to get a good picture. It shrunk up a bit and fits perfectly.

This was my project for my curves camp this week. It became a ( little weird looking ) mug rug. None of the projects were something I wanted to make but I wanted to try and draft my own curve. After a couple attempts I decided I will never be drafting my own, not my cup of tea....
