Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Free Form Quilting

I got some emails about my last quilt....which is now named "Flowery" and how I quilted it. This is another quilt that I did in much the same way. I love this quilt. It was made by myself and some other women, Cynthia Myrna, Terry and Suzanne. I made the bird block, gave them some of the fabrics and then each of them made me a block. This was over the course of a year and I didn't see the blocks until the end.

Cynthia's Block

Terry's Block

Myrna's Block

Suzanne's Block
My Block

I added these roses (taken from Suzanne's block) to make my block bigger and balance out the top.

As you can see there is a lot of quilting in this. The feathers were added because they are easy and can fit anywhere.

The quilting is not precise or even but it really doesn't show up. I think because there is so much quilting, the eye just keeps moving around.
Another close up of the quilting.


One way to get more confident at machine quilting is to just go for it! I make a lot of baby quilts and that is where I practice and try out new things. Very rarely does something not work out. It may not be my favorite but it helps me figure out how to go about the next one. So go piece a small baby/kids quilt and do something other than meandering (not that there is anything wrong with that!) and see what you come up with. You can always donate it to a worthy cause.


  1. It's beautiful Kelly! Thanks for the quilting encouragement too... that is exactly what I plan to do when my machine gets home from the shop!

  2. Your quilt looks great and the good thing is - it's quilted! Such pretty colors. Also, really like your header - too cute!

  3. Kelly, What a happy quilt that has friendship exuding from it!!!! I love how cohesive it turned out for not seeing the blocks until all submitted. And your quilting, beautiful. I too have loved the process of learning to free motion quilt knowing that it will not be perfect but that I LOVED doing it!!!

  4. What a great quilt. I've been in a round robin now for about 4 years off and on, and I love the idea of having everyone make a block for the quilt.

  5. Oh Kelly, it is exquisite. You did a beautiful job with the quilting too. I love it. Looks like an heirloom quilt to me!

  6. Kelly,
    I need to hang out with you more and get rid of my fear of machine quilting!
    This is a gorgeous friendship quilt!
    "Flowery" A perfect name for the other quilt!

  7. What a gorgeous quilt!! And extra special because it's made with friends. Thanks for the quilting advice. I really have to get over my fear of ruining my tops (which are piling up)and just get on with it.

  8. That's a lovely memory quilt and I loved that you talked about the machine quilting on it.I just love feathers.


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