Monday, December 9, 2019

Holiday Favorites Blog Hop 2019!

Today is the start of the Holiday Favorites Blog Hop 2019! Grab yourself a cup of coffee and enjoy reading about some of my favorite bloggers. I will be here on Saturday, so make sure you stop and say hi! Thank you Lori for getting this party started!

Please stop by and see some amazing holiday decorating with quilts!

Dec 10 KatyQuilts,

Dec 11  Beth, [

Dec 16   Knitty Quilter,

Enjoy this rainy Monday morning (on the East Coast)!



  1. looking forward to your post - its putting me in the holiday spirit! love those Santas.

  2. How can someone become involved in participating in the Blog Hop? I would love to do this!

    1. Robyn, I am unable to reply to you directly so I hope you see this here! There are lots of bloggers who do blog hops at different times of the year. I was invited to do this one and am excited to participate. You could do one on your own too!


I love to read your comments, they make my day!