Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Must See To Believe

There is this place called Obie's that you have to see to believe. This is one of the many aisles in the store. Note those green tiles on the floor are only 8 inches across. Yes that aisle is 16 inches wide!

Every aisle looks almost like this......

and this....need a good white?

Not to be mean but the lady that worked there was bigger than me and I could barely squeeze through here. I was wondering how she got the fabric that was up at the tippy top! There were aisles that you could get through only if you were 4 years old!

The view from the stairs is uh..... overwhelming! I guess it is a way to get to the tops of the piles that are leaning against the stairs. The upper part of the building was very scary I did not stay long.

 I did buy some green Kona fabric for $3.99! Yes that is why you go. Some of the prices are $2.99, probably because they have been there for a long time. If you are in search of an old fabric they most likely have it there! There are thousands of bolts in this store. The only thing I would say is check to make sure they are 100% cotton , some are poly/cotton.

It is a very unusual store. When you walk in, there is Evangelical preaching on the radio, giant "Do Not Steal" signs every where and I felt that the woman that worked there was following me on the sly. If you will note in the picture there is an outhouse, because there is no where in the world that you could fit a bathroom in that store.The sign that says A-Treat is a soda that they sell around here. Let me tell you that store is A Treat!!!! If you are interested in the experience it is in Goodville, Lancaster County on Rt 23. Parking is across the street.  Check it out if you dare!



  1. I'm sneezing just looking at the photo - but it's the place to go to match an older fabric!

  2. U-be-feakin'-lieveable!! A good friend once brought me to a yarn store (when I was knitting like crazee) and they had a "mohair" room--a whole room floor to ceiling--mohair, mohair and more mohair yikes...I was laughing so hard, and gasping for breath!! I think this place sounds like that...WOW Julierose

  3. Very scary shop you would be worried the whole thing would collapse on your head! xo

  4. Wow! That place is amazing! I've been into a book store like that but I doubt there are many fabric stores like it!

  5. I love to shop in those kinds of shops!

  6. We're visiting Lancaster in the Fall (from WI) and this has just been bookmarked on the iPad! I just HAVE to go!

  7. OMIGOODNESS!!! There is a place like this in Vermont and I got claustrophoic! Bravo to YOU for working your way through it!

  8. I just know I'd fall in love with the fabric at the bottom of the tallest stack.

  9. Wow, good thing earthquakes are unusual there! :) Just the photos make me claustrophobic. I think you're a brave lady to go in there.

  10. What a fun read, and to think it's a real place. ;D Thanks for sharing the photos and the post.

  11. Wow, thanks for the info. I think I will!

  12. I have heard about this place before, and it indeed sounds scary. I wonder about the foundation of the building to support the weight. If the fire department ever went inside this shop...

  13. I have been to Obie's once. I tell everyone that it is a "hardhat area" because my friend and I got ourselves buried in a bundle of flatfolds that fell on top of us. It was a great experience in Obie's, but always travel in pairs!!!!!

  14. We did try to go there last year but the store was closed for the day. It looks amazing but overwhelming! WOW!

  15. All I can say is that a hoarder owns that shop but what amazing prices.

  16. Do they still sell penny candy too?
    Haven't been there in years but it's definitely an experience to share!

  17. Wow! I sure feel better about the size of MY stash now!!
    That is unbelievable!!

  18. Been by the store a million times..just never thought to stop. Now that I know what it's like inside , I can see me bumping into stuff! My death certificate would read-"crushed to death by thousands of bolts of fabric" ! Guess as a quilter that's the way to go!!!

  19. I too have driven by that place a million times on the way to the Shady Maple and have never stopped! That shadow guy always makes me look. I think I need to stop in next time - looks like you take your life in your hands! I can't believe she was secretly followig you!


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