Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ugh !!

Sorry for the long absence. I was away and now I think I have the flu. The diary block is done, I just don't have the energy to take a picture. Maybe tomorrow. Kelly

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Keeping It Real

Dear God... this made me laugh and cry!

This was supposed to be posted last week and something did not go right, so here you go! Tears were rolling down my face I was laughing so hard. We loved the one about kissing in church!

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Diary Quilt Tuesday

Ok so this is a little predictable and not too exciting. I have been so busy trying to finish this quilt I am working on, plus this week is Penn Oak's annual getaway. I want to get back to being a little creative with these blocks but it is hard when you have a deadline to meet. All my energies are going to the deadline.

I will stop whining now.


Monday, February 20, 2012

The Pattern?

Joseph's Coat? I cannot figure how it was put together, not a seam in site. Applique on the big piece of fabric?

 With circles in the centers. Look how she used the petal shape all the way to the edge.

I love the black random petals.

The fabric on the back.


Friday, February 17, 2012

I Fell In Love Today

I found this today and could not walk away.

It just called my name...

Has that ever happened to you?

I came home and washed it right away. I will post a picture when it is dry. It is hanging on the porch in the sun.

I am going to tell my husband he can give me this for our anniversary which is on the 27th. He will be happy to not have to go to a store. Rationalizing? I think not!


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Diary Quilt Tuesday - On Wednesday

I promised that I would post these every Tuesday but yesterday I was sick, so here it is today.
This is what I felt like doing all week last week.....screaming. The very intense quilt I have been working on is nearing the end. I am anxious to move on to other projects but won't until I get this one done.

I sewed three pieces on to all 48 sections only to find out I had the wrong measurements. This represented hours of work, I could not believe I read them wrong. Or so I thought......after ripping out all 144 pieces I realized they were sewn correctly and I had just ripped them all out, and would have to do them again. Now I also wanted to cry long with scream. People in the house are tiptoeing around me, my sewing room looks like hazardous waste area and I am dreaming about sewing on this quilt! I don't know how much longer this is going to take but I am thinking of power sewing Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

On a nicer note my husband Bob gave me some herbs to grow for Valentine's day. I made him oatmeal cookies with raisins. We go for a more low key day, plus I looked lovely after I slept most of the day and never got out of my pajamas, so very romantic!

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12 x 12

Here is my 12 x 12 challenge. Nothing exciting and very little quilting. This is a test post to see if some bugs are being worked out.

I will be posting my Diary quilt block later today. I was sick yesterday and am a little behind in my posting.

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Keeping It Real

betty draper.
Got to love Betty! When is Mad Men coming back, anyone know?


Friday, February 10, 2012


Our friend Terry celebrated a big birthday in January. We could  not all be together until this past week so we celebrated with lunch and presents! The cover of the gift we gave her was made by Cheryl.

There were hats with pictures of Terry through out the years......

Complete with napkin holders. Doesn't she look adorable?

We made blocks for her, all symbolizing something she likes. Cheryl put them all together in a book for her to enjoy.

Sujata made the elephant, Terry and her husband just came back from a trip to India.

Christine made a cup cake as she loves cake!

Jane has a bird sewing away with a headlamp on. Terry has hiked the Appalachian Trail and has plans to finish the whole thing!

Mine was sunflowers with a little tag that says "friends". Terry has made a beautiful quilt with sunflowers and birds on it.

Terry's 12 x12

We have also decided to do a 12 x12 challenge among ourselves and here are the results....




 I forgot to take a picture of mine and am having a heck of a time downloading my pictures and editing them. I will post it next time.
Happy birthday Terry!!!
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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Diary Quilt Tuesday

We have been having a very warm winter this year. Daffodils peeking out from the soil and not covered in snow. The other day I saw an entire garden already filled with snowdrops.
Yesterday it was 57 degrees! On the one hand you can't complain but then it makes you think what is spring and summer going to be like? Freezing cold or broiling hot?

I did stretch it a bit with the hummingbird looking at the thermometer. No hummingbird sightings! yet!

I also pieced the thermometer. Most of what I have done on the project so far has been fused applique so I thought I would change it up a bit.
Another warm day forcasted today and snow tomorrow!!

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Monday, February 6, 2012


The winner of the pens is Mary of Molly Flanders! Congratulations Mary. You also might want to check out her blog, some very cool sewing going on over there. I love her spider web blocks.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Selvedge Pin Cushion Tutorial

Before I start I want to add to yesterday's post about the Frixion pens. I got some emails about them....one said make sure you wash it after you iron away the pen. Another said that the blue sometimes still comes back. Make sure you do a test with your fabric and just know that not all markers come out! I am going to give it a whirl but not on anything that is very dear to me.

My guild holds a demo meeting usually every February. It is a chance to have members show other members a technique, how to use a tool or how to make something. This is my demo.

 First you pick out some selvedges and I like to have at least 3/4' of fabric on the edge, you can go smaller but it won't show up as much. I am color coordinating mine but scrappy is good too.

 Iron them, you will thank yourself when you are trying to sew them down, plus it makes them look nice too.

 Cut a piece of scrap fabric (this will not show) the size of your desired pin cushion. I want mine big so I am cutting it 11 x 11. This will be big enough to sit on the arm of a chair or couch without falling off. Whatever size you pick, cut this piece out about an inch larger than yor finished size.

  Cut a strip of fabric 1 1/2" wide and a little bit longer than the width of your scrap fabric. Line the bottom of this strip up with the bottom of the scrap fabric.

 Next place your first selvedge strip on top of this making sure to cover the edge of the first strip with the selvedge part  of the strip.

 Sew right along the edge making sure to catch the edge of the green polka dot strip.

 Continue in the same manner until you fill up the entire square. They don't have to be completely straight, unless that is what you want.

 You will end up with something that looks like this.

 For the last strip be sure that you have ample fabric to cover your square (see the dark blue fabric). You don't want the selvedge right at the top or it will be all stiff when we sew this together.

 Turn the block over and trim it down to your size (mine is trimmed to 10 1/2").

 It should look like this.

 Cut a piece for the back to your size (mine is 10 1/2").

 Sew them right sides together, leaving about 3 " to turn it right side out, and clip the corners.

 Turn it out and press it making sure to press the open 3" edge good, to give you a nice seam allowance.

 I used crushed walnuts shells for a filling, you could also use sand. The crushed walnut shells are available at pet stores in the reptile section!

 A funnel helps tremendously! Do not stuff it too tight, there should be a little give so it will take the shape of whatever you put it on.

 Next stitch the opening close with very small stitches, you don't want this all over your house!

 To make the flower, layer 2 fabrics with batting and just machine quilt a circle and fill it in. Easy!

Cut the circle out, you can adjust it if it is not the right size. Repeat to make 3 more in smaller sizes. 

Next do the same thing to make a leaf. Cut the shape and machine quilt all over it.

Glue them down with some liquid stitch.

 There you go! Below are some that I made for friends in different colors.

Have fun with this!
