Monday, March 26, 2018

Spring Morning!

Oh my goodness, look at all these beauties!!! Once again Fun With Barb had another swap. While this one was a little more intense, the blocks I received are sewn perfectly!!! Now to decide what to do with them....Thank you again Barb for a fab swap!

Last week we got a lot of snow, 10"!!! I know it's almost the end of March!!! I worked on this during our annual Getaway last month and now am motivated to get it done.. It's going to be big, like bed size big!

The cutting is a little intensive so I only work on it here and there. Even though it looks pretty organized, I still try to keep like colors away from each other, which is almost impossible. I still need to cut out a lot more.
I feel very positive. I bought some pansies this weekend with the intention of putting them in some pots this week. I know they can handle the cold, but 10" of snow will crush anyone's spirit!



  1. Love the colors on both projects! And your efforts to keep them organized is admirable! Bot I know what you mean, shifting here and there makes for craziness! But it looks great!

  2. Beautiful swap blocks! And that scrappy quilt in progress is so beautiful. It will be an amazing quilt.

  3. The bright colors your working with give hope that spring isn't to far away.

  4. love your scrappy happy quilt. What a fun study of your fabric collection.
    I bought Pansies for my front urns on Saturday - I always love their happy faces.
    Its still really cold here ! but I know that spring is coming and the sun has been nice

  5. Interesting that it appears that blue wins for the main color of the swap blocks. Yea for scrappy quilt. Isn’t it wonderful that simple can be so stunning?

  6. I've been mulling over what I want to do with these fabulous churndashes. It was a fun swap, and I spy one of my blocks in your pile! (Kona Lagoon with text from Madrona Road by Violet Craft.) Love the bed quilt you are piecing. Fingers crossed for Spring!

  7. The swap blocks are gorgeous . What a great collection. And how wonderful that they are all the right size!
    Your scrappy quilt is looking great. So bright and cheerful.

  8. Oh I just love that applique! And I was smiling at the background fabric 'cuz I have the same print!
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