Friday, February 5, 2016

Valentine Quilt

I was so excited to win these blocks the other night. I have 2 extra that I might make into a mini quilts. The pattern is by Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter The block is called Be Good To Your Heart. I think this might be cute as a runner too!

I also signed up to be in a bee, the kind where you make a block for one of the participants each month and on your month everyone makes one for you. This was way outside my comfort zone as far as color goes and purple is a color I seldom use. I think it feels very spicey! I love the idea of challenging myself to break out and do something different.
Do you have colors  you NEVER use?



  1. Oh! I LOVE your Heart Quilt! I do like the other block, too- but it would be out of my comfort zone as well! I'm not sure what I'll request for my month. I can't really say there's a color I NEVER use- being in swaps has definitely stretched my likes! (I still don't like Civil War- and as much as I love watching Downton Abbey- I will never buy the fabric!)

  2. It's funny because I tend to think I'm a different kind of quilter than the work I produce says that I am. I immediately thought, "Oh, I never use brown, black or orange"... and then remembered several things I've used those colors in quite recently. :) Most of my inspiration comes from either fabric itself or people I'm sewing for, and I find myself using colors I don't necessairly like or think I would use to get the effect that I want.

  3. Lovely quilt Kelly ! Just arrived for the Valentine's day !
    For the colours we never used, I won't say "never" because in patchwork, all the colours are welcome but I would say rarely for the grey and purple !
    I wish you a nice weekend !

  4. I love the little Valentine quilt...such a cute design!

  5. The heart quilt is a wonderful pattern and having won the group of blocks from guild members just adds a specialness to the quilt. It's good for us to be challenged. It keeps the brain sharp and the creative juices flowing.

  6. I used to have colors that I never used, but I'm slowly trained myself to use anything. Still having trouble with the clear, bright ones tho! This is a great valentines quilt!

  7. Nice! The hearts remind me of those candies with sweet sayings on them.

  8. purple for me too.
    Your Heart quilt is really fun. I usually don't go for hearts, but this is so sweet.
    How fun to be in a bee. I want to do that too!! Maybe I'll try and find some friends who want to.

  9. Sure love the colors in that bee block. They're smashing together! I never use brown... and now watch, I'll make some quilty thing with brown in it. Ha, ha!

  10. The heart blocks are looking great. Good luck with the next bee.
    I am also a no brown person. I find it really hard to put into a quilt.

  11. What a great collection of blocks to win! I think I use all colours, though purple is a funny one for me. Your description of the block being spicy is perfect and it looks great!


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