Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I know that no one in New England wants to hear this, but the snow that fell last night {4"} was all beautiful and sparkly this morning. I love the shadows of the trees and how blue the snow looked.

I cut some strips from my hand dyes, why oh why am I hoarding saving them?

Drafted a paper pieced pattern.....sewed a few blocks.....

Then found my self strangely drawn to the scraps....



  1. Well, the scraps are so small and charming! How can you resist?:)

  2. Scraps have that enticing way about them. Your snowy view is really beautiful, such lovely light through the trees.

  3. Loved the light through the snowy trees. And then you have the contrast of those bright handled fabrics.

  4. Fresh snow in the sun is so beautiful - esp. if you can stay inside and sew! Love the hand-dyed fabrics! I have the same hoarding issue. Scraps are like free fabric - and are so hard to resist playing with. I know you'll do something fun with them!

  5. I had been watching the weather reports for your area over the last few days. This seems to be a manageable amount of snow.
    It does look beautiful in your photo.
    And what a contrast it is to the colours in your hand dyes.

  6. Ha! I think the scraps will lead you right back to the strips when they are done with you!

  7. Just finished a flower quilt...I used <23 different flower fabrics from my StASH....and now have another flower quilt blossoming in my head from the.....scraps... I will NOT buy any new fabric for this quilt...not even sashing, borders or backing..... It is so much fun using scraps....

  8. those hand dyes are so awesome!!
    The snow was very sparkly here yesterday too and pretty. Even though I've quite enough, I still think it's pretty.
    We had 3 fresh inches yesterday very fluffy

  9. Your snow is much prettier than our ice! Luckily the sun is out today and doing its job. Maybe the worst of this is behind us? Your scraps are very tempting...can't wait to see what they turn into!

  10. Your snow is much prettier than our ice! Luckily the sun is out today and doing its job. Maybe the worst of this is behind us? Your scraps are very tempting...can't wait to see what they turn into!


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