Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Stitching With Friends

Today was a bee day and I finished this up. Hopefully I will have the finished project to show you tomorrow. This is about as involved as I want to get with cross stitch right now. I am happy with the way it turned out.

Our friend Sara sent us home with faschnauts. Do you know what those are? Hint hint it has to do with Fat Tuesday.

 I wanted to show you the salad I made last night with blood oranges and strawberries in my favorite pottery bowl from my friend Judie. Not only was it colorful but it was tasty too. It made winter seem not so bad, well at least for a short while.



  1. Beautiful cross stitch. That salad looks yummy.

  2. I love that cross stitch, it looks antique. Both foodie things look very tasty!! Colourful salads are fun aren't they, lately we've been getting purple carrots and they look great, I hadn't thought of blood oranges and strawberries so thanks for sharing!!

  3. your little cross stitch piece is lovey! I love alphabet samplers.
    So what in the pastry? besides lots of yummy fat....it was fat Tuesday after all.
    The salad looks fresh and delicious

  4. I love the bowel. Having a wonderful salad or soup bowl makes the food even more satisfying.

  5. Blood oranges are so delicious! First time I ever came to know about them was by surprise when we lived in California. I bought some from the farmer's market not knowing they were any different than the regular kind.. Can you believe my surprise when I cut them open? So good!

  6. Wow, such a great day! I am in love with that bowl, too, and your stitching looks as yummy as the salad!

  7. Lovely stitching and yummy food :-)

  8. You always post about the most interesting things! I've never had a blood orange, and that salad looks delicious!


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