Monday, March 31, 2014

Miscellaneous Monday

This weekend was busy but I had time to get another kid drawing embroidered.

My grandson Griffin made this when he was 3. I faithfully copied it as he did it. I just wished he had signed it but I don't know if he could write his name yet!

It was for his mom, Mary who was the birthday girl this weekend. She loved it and even got a little teary when she opened it.

We were altogether for out Meanix monthly family dinner. It was held at Cait and Jim's house. The food was awesome and everyone had a good time.

It is fun to watch the kids get along now that they are older.

We also had a visit from my 2 cousins, Mary Beth and Wendy. They make a visit once a year and it is always a good time.

There was a little sewing....

as it rained all weekend long.....

How amazing is this quilt? It is made with silk and a brand new tool called Curvalicious, my friend Cheryl's new invention. If you are interested go to her site and you can see a Youtube video on how it works.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

One Down, One To Go

In April my friend, Cheryl and I are holding a Mystery Quilt Workshop for our guild. All the ladies bring a dish to pass for lunch and this year we are asking those that wish to participate to bring 2 mug rugs to swap.
I had all the fabrics for this pre-fused so it went together very quickly.

They are the same, yet different. Love that polka dot binding!

Some simple quilting and it was done.

I used a fabric with pins to keep it stitchy!


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Whiney Wednesday

I wish I could say I was as happy as this little girl in the picture, not so. It is March 26 and it feels like January 7th! There is about an inch of snow on the ground and the wind is blowing 30 miles an hour!I am so over this winter....go away! Oops just saw some stray yellow threads on this, please ignore them.

This is the picture my granddaughter, Madison drew last Fall.

I took a nice piece of white fabric and traced the drawing onto it with my Frixion pen.

After a wobbly start, I was getting better.

I did take some creative license with the hair. I love the nose, a ?

I was too chicken to do the satin stitch on the lips.....

and the heart.

Overall I am pleased with my work. It has been a long time since I did any embroidery.

I think I will make some more from the other grandkids' drawings. Embroidery was one of those things I said I wasn't doing anymore......


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Friendship Quilters Guild

Last night I gave a lecture at the Friendship Quilters Guild in Oxford. What a nice bunch of quilters they are and very welcoming! It was the first time I ever spoke for a quilt group. I have spoken to some sullen 10th and 11th graders but they don't count, they had to put up with me.
This quilt above really caught my eye and it is his second quilt, made from shirts. I know my friend Sujata is going to love this one.
I stayed for their show and tell which they moved up in the schedule just for me. Sit back and enjoy the show!

This is his first quilt!

They also sent me home with a box of chocolates and a skinny pin cushion. How great is that?
Thank you again Friendship Quilters Guild for a very enjoyable evening.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Merry Christmas!

No that is not a typo! Friday my friend, Judie and I finally exchanged Christmas presents and celebrated my birthday that is also in December. This is the wonderful quilt she made for me! We both love the beach and I am so happy that she made a quilt for me. It is going up in my sewing room.

I love the flip flops! We don't see each other very often since she moved away, but we pick up exactly where we left off when we do see each other. Thank you again Judie!

I had another "Christmas " moment Saturday when I came home to a package from my friend Cynthia in Arkansas. These were in the box!!!!!!

Cynthia said "she found these in her mother-in-law's attic and has no idea who made them". Then she re-found them in her attic! She decided I would be a good home for them.

So many things to do with them....

the fabrics are amazing.......

I am guessing 1930's- 1940's?

I am fascinated by the fabric in the center.....monkey, owl, windmill?

football player, badminton ( top right)? If anyone can tell me about this fabric, please do!

The center one reminds me of jelly beans. Thank you Cynthia I will come up with something to do with these.

This weekend Bob and I went to look at an old house that is for sale with the thoughts of a renovation and resale. It looked way better on the real estate website. It is very sad for me to walk through someone's home to see everything still in place. It feels invasive and intruding. Personal items still in place that I shouldn't see, it made me feel sad. The elderly gentlemen was moved out in the fall and died this winter. It is being sold for the liens with a stipulation it is not torn down (deed restricted). I am not sure that is going to happen but will follow it. If nothing else it makes me realize I need to purge even more than I already have!

Along with the mold, water damage, termites, no heat, this is another reason I am glad I am no longer a real estate agent!
