Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Good To Be Back-Diary Blocks 45 & 46


This is block #45, only 9 more to go! I am a person who loves a list and I like to cross things off as I go along. This fabric was purchased at a quilt show and works perfectly. It reminds me of our copy books in grade school.


This block is my granddaughter, Madison's creation. I let each grandchild make their own block and I am so happy I did! She turned 5, you can kind of see the 5 in the middle of the rainbow. She even signed her name at the bottom with a little smiley face! The cross inside the circle is a Peace Sign.

It has been a while since I posted, things have been busy and my computer was giving me fits, so I took it for a tune up.
This weekend we went wedding dress shopping for my daughter, Caitlin. This is not the dress she picked but it gives me goose bumps to see her in a wedding dress. I am so happy, the fifth dress she tried on at the first store we went to was a winner. It is very pretty and very "her". Mission accomplished!

A little halloween decorating is going on too.

I am having some quilting ladies and a gentleman over for lunch next week on Halloween.

I really like the Fall decorations, they feel so homey. I made this runner years ago, it is starting to fade from being washed so much.

A Thimbleberries Pattern I think....

I like the colors and I think those might be some "viintage" fabrics by now.

Those buttonhole stitches are handmade!  I think this would be a pretty bed quilt too.



  1. The List block is so clever, such a great idea and I love Maddie's rainbow block! Your daughter looks so beautiful in a wedding dress. I love all the Pumpkin, halloween fun going on over there. The quilt with JackOLanterns is so fabulous!!

  2. Love the pumpkins, so funky! And yes, your daughter looks stunning, weddings are so special

  3. Cute blocks Kelly! I love that fabric you used for the list.
    Caitlin looks perfect in that dress she didn't pick. Can't imagine her looking anymore perfect than that. I guess we all will have to wait. :)
    Welcome back to the blogland!

  4. she looks so beautiful, what a magical moment I bet.
    love that handwriting paper fabric that is really neat
    I remember practicing cursive for hours with that paper!
    cute block and oh I love the pumpkins in the header picture

  5. Love your diary blocks. Getting the grandchildren to make one was inspired!

    The wedding dress photo takes me back to 2008 when I did the same with my DD. I got all teary looking at her in those gowns but I really cried when she and her dad walked into the church!

  6. Wow. How are you keeping up with everything? Great idea for the diary block but I totally adore Madison's block. That will be a treasure forever.
    If this is an idea of how your daughter will look, she will be one gorgeous bride. How lucky are you that the dress shopping was so easy!
    Enjoy your Halloween gathering.

  7. I love lists. I really love to cross things off the list.
    Madison's block is cute. Can't get better than a rainbow.
    Your daughter looks beautiful in the wedding dress. The dress is pretty, the one she picked must be a show stopper.
    Halloween has been fun for me again since I started at the quilt shop. The boss loves Halloween and every year we all dress up and we have an all day buffet table. Favorites include vampire blood (V-8) witchews tears ( apple juice), Spider legs,(licorice) guts (salsa) and more. My all time favorite is boogers on a stick. Guacamole on a pretzel.
    What a menu!

  8. Happy to see you back Kelly. Caitlin is looking beautiful. And Maddie is quite the artist! Loved the funky pumpkins.

  9. Hooray! Great to see all the diary blocks. Of course my favorite is the liberated mini stars. Love the pumpkin decorations. Can't wait to seem them in person. And vintage fabrics.??? Now I feel old. I recognize so many of them.

    Glad you're catching up.

  10. had to laugh at the jump from C in dress to the pumpkin! Can't wait to see pics of real dress

  11. whee! make sure you iron that block - I didn't realize that permanent markers needed heat to really set. I have some labels that have faded badly... Love that potatohead jack o'lantern!


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