Monday, October 29, 2012

Diary Block #48


This is my block in honor (or dishonor?) of Hurricane Sandy. As I write this it is Monday and it is still to be seen what is the outcome of this epic storm. I just saw some pictures of Avalon, NJ and the water in the streets was about 3' high. The winds are 90 miles and hour and they think it will almost be a category 2 hurricane when it hits New Jersey. So sad.

The shape of my pumpkin is the symbol for hurricane, that sort of round "s" shape.

I like the little ghost peeking out from behind.....

and the witch on her broom....

Once again the newspaper came up with a great name, that I used on the block. I think it fits.

I documented some things on the back, so I will remember.

Got to run the lights are flickering and the wind is getting bad!!!


Freaky Monday

It is a crazy day here in the Mid-Atlantic region of the country. Hurricane Sandy is on the way and I think we are going to be walloped. It just keeps getting stronger, that can't be good. Time to make sure some handwork is on the side lines for when, not if the powers goes off.

I just finished sewing on the binding for my table runner this morning. I love that fabric, Halloweeny but not too much.

To make it a little bit more functional I put some turkeys on the back.


To add a little ambiance to my new runner, some candles on a stormy day.

I am planning on spending the rest of the day watching the news and doing some applique.

Watch the talking heads tell me, not to go out and try in surf in this......

I am in awe of the power of the ocean....

I think this headline sums up the day.

Hopefully I will get my Diary block done and post it later today before the power goes out. If not stay tuned, some of the news is saying 7 to 10 days without power. I will be getting a lot of applique accomplished!


Friday, October 26, 2012

Bloggers Quilt Festival

Today is the start of the Blogger's Quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side blog. This is a great opportunity to go a see some very awesome quilts.

I am entering the quilt "Boo" which also happens to be my very favorite right now. The size is 37 x 37, completely fused and machine quilted by me. After the faces were made I used a button hole stitch or a straight stitch and applied them to the backgrounds. The quilting is very simple to not take away from  the cool faces!
The secret ingredient to this quilt is to round up 4 kids, hand them some scissors, fused fabric and let them create to their heart's content! My 4 grandchildren are the artists who came up with these awesome faces.

Yes a pumpkin can have hair!

and look a little bit like ET!

A purple uni-brow is so in fashion!

Most of all they all had fun! Fallon 9, Griffin 7, Elliot 5 and Maddy 5, my budding artists!
Next we might try some snowmen or santa claus, the ideas are endless.


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Family Farm Fabrics

A fellow guild member alerted us to a new quilt store. Family Farm Fabrics in East Earl, PA.
For you locals it is on the corner of 322 and 23. They are opened Monday to Wednesday 9 to 5,
Thursday and Friday 9 to 8 and Saturday 9 to 5. Closed Sundays.

They have just opened and are still getting shipments of fabrics. The flavor for the most part feels mostly traditional but there are some brights and a nice selection of solids. They will also cater to sewers as they are in an Amish community.

I did not see any patterns and only a few books, one by a famous author named Cheryl  Lynch!

If you do go to this store be sure to tell me how you like it!
GPS address is 1121 Main Street, East Earl PA  17519. Phone 717-354-2086


Wednesday, October 24, 2012


A little bragging here.....

How cool is this quilt? During the summer when I was watching all 4 grandchildren I decided we needed a fun project to do. I cut out the pumpkin shapes, gave them some fused fabric and scissors and let them go at it. I think it is so artsy! Amazing what a 9, 7, 5 and 4 year old can do.

Don't you love the "hair"?

Cob web mouth....

This one looks a little like ET....

Griffin, age 7 was very much into this and come up with this little guy.

I like the black and white backgrounds which made the pumpkins pop out..
Lovely striped eye brows...
A unibrow with spiderweb cheeks!
I kept the quilting very simple mostly meandering, matching threads to the fabrics. On the faces I went around all the features to make sure everything would stay on and not come off.
They want to put it on our upcoming quilt show this spring! Could it be possible they are all quilters in the making? I know for sure they are all little artists!!
I tried to put this in my header but for some reason I cannot open template designer so I can resize it to fit, I just get a blank page. Anyone else have this problem? Any solutions??? Please?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Diary Block Tuesday

Last week I spent a few days in the Poconos for a sewing getaway with my Quiltini friends. This was the latest time of the year we have been up there and it was beautiful. The leaves were pretty and the air cool and crisp. I did not take any pictures because I think it would be hard to compare my pictures to Mother Nature's!
This block represents the 4 friends on mine that were there.......don't we all think of our friends as "stars" in our skies? Each star is small, only 3 x 3. They were not hard to make especially because they are wonky, definitely a plus!

This is a framed quilt block that I got at the library challenge held at my local library. It was amazing to see how everyone took those little weddding ring pieces and turned them into a small quilt or a framed piece.

These are the antique buttons that really drew me in, a lovely touch.
I think they made some money for the new library and I hope they decide to have one again next year.


Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Good To Be Back-Diary Blocks 45 & 46


This is block #45, only 9 more to go! I am a person who loves a list and I like to cross things off as I go along. This fabric was purchased at a quilt show and works perfectly. It reminds me of our copy books in grade school.


This block is my granddaughter, Madison's creation. I let each grandchild make their own block and I am so happy I did! She turned 5, you can kind of see the 5 in the middle of the rainbow. She even signed her name at the bottom with a little smiley face! The cross inside the circle is a Peace Sign.

It has been a while since I posted, things have been busy and my computer was giving me fits, so I took it for a tune up.
This weekend we went wedding dress shopping for my daughter, Caitlin. This is not the dress she picked but it gives me goose bumps to see her in a wedding dress. I am so happy, the fifth dress she tried on at the first store we went to was a winner. It is very pretty and very "her". Mission accomplished!

A little halloween decorating is going on too.

I am having some quilting ladies and a gentleman over for lunch next week on Halloween.

I really like the Fall decorations, they feel so homey. I made this runner years ago, it is starting to fade from being washed so much.

A Thimbleberries Pattern I think....

I like the colors and I think those might be some "viintage" fabrics by now.

Those buttonhole stitches are handmade!  I think this would be a pretty bed quilt too.


Friday, October 19, 2012


Computer problems and a little getaway have kept me from posting. I promise to be back next week with pictures and posts. It is amazing what you can get done when you are not on the computer!

All of my diary quilt blocks where completed on time so there will be 3 of them to see.

Thanks to everyone who emailed me wondering where I was, it is nice to feel missed!


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Diary Block Tuesday

Block #44 only 10 more to go! For those of you who may not know, the blue crab is the state crustecean of Maryland. While I was visiting Judie she made crab cakes for dinner one night and they were awesome.
I am happy with the colors I chose for this block. All the fabrics are hand dyes. It did take a while to cut out all those tiny pieces.

I think the quilting made it look more crab like and highlighted the little legs. I just noticed I forgot to put on the eyes and the kind of sums up my week.
With any luck I will have something to show later this week....