Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Diary Quilt Tuesday

It's no secret that the weather has felt like late spring around here. We filled up the bird bath and were rewarded with blue birds, cardinals, chickadees and finches frolicking in the water. There are days where there are 5 or 6 birds hanging out and it is fun to watch them.

I decided to use thread sketching to add the details to the bath. Yesterday I really didn't like it but this morning I did! I also used birds cut from fabric rather than make something very small. I like the scale and that is something I am not very good at. I don't think we have any green birds around here......

The green things along the bottom are the weeds growing in my garden. I am a fair weather gardener, no cold weather for me, today the high is going to be 55. They can wait!

My granddaughter Maddy has been asking to do a tie dye shirt. We did not have any plain white ones around so we used one she got from Boston. She decided on purple and had great fun un-doing all the rubber bands. I think we may be making some more.



  1. Love it. We must have esp because my block is also about spring. The thread sketching really adds to it. I also have birds. I wish I was as clever as you. Mine are from scratch and not as cute.

  2. Called that one! Love using printed birds. Think the thread sketching is great. also....can't wait to see you in YOUR tye dye.

  3. Adorable birdbath block. Such cute little birds.
    The T shirt is cute. My DD loved doing those and we were always mixing dye, and trying new colors and rubber banding techniques. It was fun. Maybe I'll have to do some for myself. (To sleep in maybe).
    Enjoy your day.

  4. I love that block--the birds just make it! Today when I got up it was 27 degrees here--brrrrr; Winter has made a big comeback--glad I didn't jump the gun with my plantings. It was 77 a few days ago. Oatmeal weather again.... Julierose

  5. No, I've never seen green birds around here. I love the details on the bird bath. Yeah way to cold for me to do yard work, gonna wait myself. I did shirts with my 5 grands one summer and they each had a different color. They wore them for several years and then the following year they wanted to do pillow cases!
    Debbi F

  6. your bird bath quilt is adorable. I have total bird envy - blue birds? how lovely!
    I set mine up too and this morning it was frozen - yikes.
    Maddy and you made a great looking tye dye shirt! love the corners.

  7. Your little bird bath piece is full of fun for Spring. Lots of fun with the shirt, too.

  8. Love your bird bath! I think your thread sketching is super. And great idea to use birds already printed. Lucky that you had some the right scale. Green birds? We used to have some in California. I think they were really goldfinches, but they looked pretty green.
    Love the psychedelic shamrock shirt! Tie dye is so fun, and kids love to do it. You should make one for you too. You could garden in it! hee hee!

  9. Great job on the birdbath and the birds...I love it.

  10. Kelly,
    I want your readers to know how good you are at transferring life's events into quilts. Often times us friends chat about the weekly happenings and before we know it, one of those events get painted with fabric and thread in your diary block.
    You are amazing at story telling. I get truly inspired with these blocks!

  11. Love the diary quilt block and the t shirt. I'm a fair weather gardener also!

  12. I love your birdbath and little birds!! Tie dying is quite magical.


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