Monday, March 14, 2011

Miscellaneous Monday

How cool is is called a Surprise Ball. My sister in law Angie sent it to me. Angie is very cool and always finds cool things. She is also very artistic you can check her out at her blog Angela Deal Meanix.

It was so pretty I didn't want to open it.....but finally I did.

You start unrolling....

and unrolling.....

As you unroll there are little vintage items withing the folds so you find little surprises as you go....hence the name "Surprise Ball".

Maddy modeling the fan and what I think is a little parachute.

I loved this little watch.....

I also found these in my travels this weekend.....only $4.50 I could not pass them up. The embroidery is amazingly well done. I am not sure what I am going to do with them...
I also found these....I am a Jersey shore girl so I had to have these. Now if I can only find one for Stone Harbor!



  1. I would have had hard time unrolling that beautiful ball too! But how fun to discover cool things as you unwrap!
    Love seeing picture of your ever adorable grand daughter.
    I am headed to Lancaster today.. Wish me luck!

  2. Where did you find those embroideries? Looks like quite a find.

  3. What great finds! Looks like a fun weekend!

  4. I never heard of a surprise ball before- very pretty and so much fun. I had a small fan like that when I was little. So fun to see again. Now your granddaughter (so cute) can enjoy one. What great little surprises inside.
    Is Stone Harbor special for you?
    It is for us - our favorite place at the shore! Your blog and photos are so much fun! Thanks!

  5. never heard of a surprise ball before
    love those pennants, oh what about belmar
    or spring lake or long beach island, should I go on?

    can't wait to see what you do with those embroidery pieces maybe the center of a medallion quilt?

  6. OH wow!!! I'm so glad you found those beautiful stitcheries too!!! I can not believe someone sold them for so very little! I'd have to frame and mat them in a double frame as I love seeing the Blessed Heart of Jesus and Mary together. :)

    Congrats for finding them!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie


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