Monday, June 25, 2018

Pillowcase Tutorial

Pillowcases are a fun, easy summer project.

Make 1 or 100!

You can make them with a friend,

a beginner sewer,

even a child!

 I made some for all of my grandchildren, except Brynn who is not allowed to have a pillow-yet.

I am also making some for our guild charity project. This tutorial is for anyone wanting a quick, fun project.
I am just going to throw this out there.......if you want to make one for a child in the hospital I would be happy to have you send me one. We are collecting them at the September meeting and looking to have a bunch! Just email me at for details.

This is a super duper easy one!

Main body fabric 3/4 of a yard. I did use flannel for 2 of them, but it just made it by the skin of it's teeth. You must wash it first because it shrinks a lot! I am suggesting good quality quilting cotton in a fun print.

Cuff fabric 1/3 of a yard in a co-ordinating print, this is a good way to use up some of your smaller yardage.

From the cuff fabric trim 10" wide, the selvadge is at the top, fold at the bottom.

Trim the edges to measure 41"

For the main body of the pillow case trim to ends to measure 41" again the selvadge is at the top

 Trim the sides so it measures 27" wide

Lay the cuff right side up on your table

Lay the body of the fabric on top of the cuff also right side up matching edges

Roll the body of the pillowcase up as shown above

As you can see there is the cuff fabric on the bottom, the body fabric in the middle and I am enclosing it all with the bottom of the cuff fabric, pin well

Sew this altogether using a 1/4" making sure not to get the body of the pillow case in the seam allowance. Now you see why they call it the hot dog or taco method.

Pull the body out of the end of the cuff

It will look like this. The edges of the cuff are completely encase to prevent fraying.

Lay the pillowcase on your table WRONG  sides together. YES Wrong sides together. Say it again, wrong sides together......

Sew with a scant 1/4", I do it more than a scant to make sure those edges will be hidden.

Once you have sewn it all around, (wrong sides together) turn it so the RIGHT sides are now together, press and sew all around with a 3/8"seam allowance. This is called a French seam and it keeps all those raw edges hidden and looks nice and neat.

This is called The Purple Thang and it is a great tool to poke out those corners. Be sure to do it gently so you don't poke a hole in your pillowcase.

Press it and you are done! I have timed myself and was able to sew one in 15 minutes. These directions are all over the internet and I do not know who started them or I would give them credit. I think they would be happy to know these are going to charity!
Let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested in sending me some pillowcases!


Friday, June 22, 2018

The First Day of Summer

So first I must apologize to everyone who left a comment on the last post. I did not realize Blogger had changed things up and my comments no longer came to my email. I thought you all lost interest because of my lack of blogging! I think it is fixed now!
One of these fabrics is not like the others! Basketballs!!! My granddaughter is playing in a summer league and is totally in love with basketball, the emojis are going to go along the edge, I am making all of the grandkids pillowcases.

There has been some Christmas sewing going on as well! I have a top that is almost done and will show it to you when it is complete.
I am so excited that I will actually have it done (fingers crossed) before Christmas!

This basket quilt has been languishing for over a year now. I know how I want to quilt it but am dreading it.....well now I have the backing and will get it done, maybe even this week.

My Farmer's Wife quilt is quilted, yay! I started this about 3 years ago. I am very happy with the way it turned out and now I just need to get some binding on it. I did not end up making every block but sometimes you just have to call it quits and move on to the next project.
This is one of the good things about UFOs. You get tired of them and put them away, you come across them and realize it's almost finished. Your enthusiasm goes up and before you know it is done. Just don't let them go more than 10 years because your taste may change......

My friend Carolyn did a great job. She even sews muslin around the edge so the quilting goes past the piecing and doesn't stop short. This is such a wonderful service! Thank you Carolyn for doing such a professional job. Let me know if you want her information to get one of your quilts done.

I took 6 pillowcase kits that will be due at guild next September. They make up quickly and make you feel good knowing they will go to a good cause.

How is this for a fabulous backing? This is from the new Swell Line by MODA. I bought this at my LQS, The Quilt Block 610-363-0404 if you are looking to do some Christmas sewing. They have other designs that are in the line as well.

My flowers are slowly filling in.

That lime green with anything is wonderful!

This is an orange coneflower. In real life it is amazing and just glows. I had to have it!

A couple of my coneflowers did not make it through the winter so I had to replace them. They really are a good carefree plant that works hard. I am not fond of the purple-pink ones, they look like weeds to me. I am going to dig them all out!

I had a small sunflower that volunteered and I am letting it go. Of course it is not in a great place but it will make me happy when it blooms.

Aren't these petunias amazing! Again in reall life with the lime green they are perfect together.

I always pick flowers throughout the summer, it just makes my home feel so happy and colorful. Right now the offerings are slim, but before you know it I won't be able to keep up!


Friday, June 1, 2018

Random Post

It has been almost 2 months since I blogged. The easiness of Instagram has made me lazy! If you are on Instagram you can follow me @pinkadotquilts. You will see more of my everyday things along with sewing, book recommendations and painting.
Sewing has been on the back burner with family things, gardening and my new found love painting going on. I dug this Farmer's Wife UFO out yesterday to get the border on and call it a day. For goodness sakes 80% of the work is done!

I am changing the border from what was in the book. Truthfully I don't even remember what is was and I can't find the book! I am doing 2 rows of 1" checkerboard borders. At least that is the plan! So I started cutting out fabric and realized I don't have some of the fabrics that are in the quilt. I think in the end it will make it a better quilt because it won't be so matchy-matchy.

My temperature quilt is finally moving into some lighter colors! Thank goodness I didn't allow some gray for rain as we have had a lot of gray days and rain days.

I have also been bitten by the Sew A Village bug. This is a fun easy use up your scraps kind of quilt. This will be more of a long term project. I feel like I say that a lot......(-:

I am getting to the end of this quilt with only about 15 blocks or so to make. I am tired of making them but will power through as this will be bed size.

My small ironing board cover was DISGUSTING! It was so bad when I took it off it did not even bend from all the starch etc. Thisl one is so happy and cheerful and well worth the change!

A friend, Denise from my guild made me this adorable mug rug. I told her there is no way I am spilling coffee on it and will hang it up in my sewing room. Isn't it cute?

My grandsons, Jax and Cam made this adorable butterfly for me for Mother's Day. My DIL, Jenny is encouraging their artsy side and I just love this one! They are also heavy into Play-Doh which is fun to do when I am with them.

I have been really enjoying working with watercolors. It is hard! that water goes everywhere but it is also part of the fun. You never know what you will get! These are pretty small, 3" x 4" but quick and fun. I try to do one a day because unlike quilting you can do one fast.

This is one I did this morning and it really took like 4 minutes. The less I think about it the better they turn out. Trust me there are some duds but I didn't bother to show them here.

It's also garden time. I love planting my pots that lead to the front door. They always do well and are easy to maintain.

My forget me nots were so pretty this year and even the very end of blooming with little spots of blue make me appreciate them.

My clematis around the mailbox were stunning this year. I have got to figure out why so they will be next year too.

The roses have not been eaten by anything yet and I have picked many of them to put in my kitchen to enjoy.

If you want a pretty flower that will not disappoint and I have had wonderful succes with year after year, try Melampodium. It is an annual that I find delightful. It is a must have in my garden.

We have had so much rain that everything is lush but the pollen has been horrible! I look forward to the flowers filling in this spot that I still need to mulch.

Everyone is always asking me about this hosta that gets giangantic, like 2+' high. It thrives in low light and the lime green makes those darker areas look stunning.

Those red caterpillar looking flowers are new to me this year. I don't remember what they are called but look forward to finding out!

This red salvia is so pretty and very delicate looking. I hope these do well and fill out the space.

 My columbine was spectacular this year too. This is an unusual color that really packs a punch.

I have been reading a lot. I am doing the Goodreads challenge this year, 50 books. I think I am at 31 so I should be able to reach it.
My number one pick so far is The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. A great read about a family that moves to Alaska in the late '60s and early 70's.
I also lenjoyed One In A Million Boy by Monica Wood. I picked this one up not really sure that I would like it but gave it a shot. It is such a sweet story that it just made me smile at the end.

Ok off to work on that checkerboard border!
