Monday, April 2, 2018

April Snow!

I need some hand work and decided to go through some old patterns that I have been collecting. I found some simple flower patterns that I think will be fun to work on. The blocks will finish around 8".
Applique is one of those things that you have to keep on top of if you want your stitches to look nice. I will admit I am a bit rusty. The nice thing about applique is that unless it is very symmetrical, you don't know if something is in the wrong place. For example some of the leaves above are different than the pattern. I also believe using your own eye of of what is pleasing is a good way to go, it makes it yours.

Remember this pouch I showed you a few weeks ago? There was a sew-a-long and I won a gift certificate from Sunny Day Supply!

I ordered some fabrics and these cute zippers to make even more pouches.

How sweet are these charms? They add a nice touch especially if it's a gift. I am finding more and more I like using a metal zipper.

I am posting this just because it is fun and colorful, unlike the weather today. Yes we woke up to snow and damp cold. Thank goodness it is all gone, like all onion/spring snows!
