Sunday, February 11, 2018

Color, Color, Color!

So for the past few weeks I have been cleaning, purging and organizing. This center section was not  complete, but the other blocks that go along with it were sewn together just waiting for me. I remember when I was getting ready to pick out the fabrics for this, I was stumped and put it away. Sometimes I think that is a good idea rather than rushing it and not being happy with the result.
This is all machine buttonhole stitched matching threads as close as possible in case you were wondering.

Tried yellow first

The other lesson I have finally learned is that just because I sewed blocks together, if I don't like them I don't have to use them! I think we are all guilty of that at one time or another. They (the yellow) will be used somewhere else and will not go to waste. To me they were just too blah.

The Lipstick Pink on the other hand makes it sing! It also turns it into a cohesive quilt. I am excited to put this together after I make all those half square triangles.

This week our guild is having Demo Day and I am showing how to paper piece. Today I worked on some examples and got my things in order. It is a fun day and the members seem to enjoy learning something new, especially the new quilters.
Does your guild do something like this too?


Wednesday, February 7, 2018