Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Seeing Red!

Every fall for the past 3 years, Barb of Fun With Barb has had a block swap. The first year was nine patches, last year it was bow ties and these beautiful blocks above are the ones from this year. The random colors with red are so wonderful and I will probably mix them with my bow ties that have been waiting for me......

Now for some exciting news for all the local readers! Barb will be coming to visit my guild, the Penn Oaks Quilters on Monday, November 14th. 

Meetings are held the second Monday of the month from September through June at 7:00 PM at the Mennonite Church in Frazer 57 Maple Linden Lane, Frazer PA 19355. There is a $5 guest fee.

If you are interested in coming and need more information please email me and I will be happy to send you more information.

Now I am off to bed because tomorrow I go to Houston!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday Blues

I signed up last week for our Modern Quilt Guild Swap. I decided to get working on it right away because it is due the same time my daughter's new baby is due! These were a lot of fun to make and went together real fast. They are a smaller version of my tutorial Free Pieced Trees that a I made a while back and it has been a popular post.

I even made a rogue tree just to keep it interesting.

I wanted some handwork to take to bees and when we are watching TV at night. This is The Raven by Blackbird Designs. I like their patterns but don't want to make it in traditional fabrics. I have already decided to change some of the leaves and there will be bright pink berries once the entire design is stitched. So far only the stems are stitched down.

I will be changing at least 3 of these leaves, they are too light and too similar.

The pink berries go here.

I also took out the weird leaf that was on top of the acorn.

Every since I cleaned up and found some long forgotten projects, I have been slowly working my way through some triangles. I want to make this one queen size.

I was going to have all the triangle going the same way but decided to make them as very scrappy flying geese. I love the movement they make!

My box of triangles is getting smaller but there are more to be made with all my scraps!

It's very satisfying to see the rows of blocks grow, with many more to go!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Glorious Autumn!

I took this picture this morning when the sky was still gray. It inspires me so much! Autumn is my favorite for sure! This was taken in my front yard.

I took a ride today and ended up at an adorable place called Floral and Hardy in Skippack PA. The people at the store were kind enough to let me take some pictures. How cute are these? They would be a fun project to do with the kids. They have lots of lovely gifts as well, check them out if you are local.

Down the road a bit is this stunning display! It is something to see in person for sure!

There is just something so homey about fall decorations. Maybe it's getting ready to hibernate for the winter and knowing we won't see anything green for a long time. It certainly gets my attention!


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Second Post in 1 Week!

I finally made myself start the 2 baby quilts I need to make for my daughter's new baby that is due this winter. She is not finding out if it is a boy or a girl so I am making 2 quilts.

So of course the fist cuts were wrong! Ok it's been a while......

These fabrics are flannel and very soft, I really like them. I made up my own pattern and so far so good.

I have some leftovers but most likely not enough for another quilt. I also feel like baby quilts should be one of a kind, just like babies!
So I have a question.....batting or no batting? Flannel backing and binding or regular cotton? This will be machine quilted as I have a blue one to make next!

Today is unseasonably warm and the trees are so pretty! This is my sassafrass tree. I wish you could see it in person, the camera does not do it justice.

My favorite thing is when the sun shines through the leaves and they glow, total beauty at it's best.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mid October

I feel like I have been robbed out of autumn this year. We had a busy September and October is looking the same. Today it is in the 80s and feels like summer!

Have you seen the plant trend of succulents? I resisted for a long time but have happily jumped on the bandwagon. These are a foreign plant to me but it should be fun to learn about them.

We exchange gifts with our neighbors every year. It's always something handmade or home cooked for the most part. I decided to get a jump on mine this year. I love how they turned out. All of them are gardeners so they will appreciate them. The blue pot is mine.

Caitlin, Dylan, Johnson and Colin

I found this picture of my children while looking for another picture. I think this was 1986, oh my 30 years ago! Dylan is totally not PC with his Indian costume that was worn by my siblings back in the day. I was so worried about Colin who insisted on being a witch. I thought some kids would make fun of him at school but he was adamant! No one said a word, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I still have not really sewn now for about a month. Last night I decided to get in there and at least pick it up. Someone once said "if I vacuum at least it looks a little better". I opted to do more and feel so much better. Maybe tonight I will turn the machine on, I have some baby quilts to make!

Today I stopped at my LQS, The Quilt Block and picked up these gorgeous fabrics by Jen Kingwell. My friend Stephanie has some and it sparked my attention.

I also picked up these two pretty blues as well.

It's so nice to do a good clean up, you even find some projects that you started and totally forgot about! They are all paired up and ready to sew.......
