Monday, August 31, 2015

Colour My World

Do you remember that song by Chicago from the 1970's? I was in high school and worked at the Tastee Freeze. Whenever that song came on the radio all the girls working there sang it out with enthusiasm. I found a little tidbit about this song......
  • One of the band's most popular songs, "Colour My World" never charted because it wasn't released as a single. It was used as the B-side of the "Make Me Smile" in April, 1970, and as the B-side of "Beginnings" in June, 1971.
I did love the song Make Me Smile too. 

So back to the quilt......I am doing a workshop this fall and needed a sample as I gave away all the other ones I made using the free form stick figure trees. I had this Alison Glass fabric that I was using on another project and decided it might work for this one too. I love all these colors and mixed some other Anna Maria Horner fabrics in too.

Sometimes no planning works and sometimes it doesn't. My blocks did not come out the size I wanted (my mistake in cutting) so I need to give it just a little something. I made some free form triangles as setting strips and do like how it gives it a punch.

Isn't it weird that when you try to be accurate you never are and when you try not to be accurate you are? All of my "free form" triangle are pretty much the same.....

I did some simple straight line quilting that I feel goes with this type of pattern.

Good things can happen when you are not paying attention. The fabric pattern on the binding has a perfect scallop all the way around! If I tried, I couldn't do it again I am quite sure.

I really enjoy a good backing fabric. I have had this in my stash and thought the colors went perfect with the front.

I just finished making a bunch of bow ties for a swap with Barb and am getting ready to mail them out. That acid green with pink in the center is one of my favorites.

but I kind of like these too......

or maybe these are my favorite. I think you get the picture.

The Farm Girl Vintage quilt is coming along too. I highly recommend this if you are a beginner quilter. There are some great techniques to learn and all the blocks are very easy. There are only 12 more to make.

I am on mom mom duty this week (it is so nice to be in demand!). Wednesday is my 5 year blog anniversary! I will have a give away next week when I have some time to figure it out!


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Indulge Me?

Finnegan, Jaxon and Cameron

I have gotten many emails from people who have wanted to see some pictures of the babies. So here are all 3 of the babies! Finn is almost 5 1/2 months, Jaxon and Cameron are almost 2 weeks old.
I am so happy the 3 of them will be little buddies!
I love their little chicken legs next to Finn's little chunky legs!


Friday, August 21, 2015

What Do You Think?

Just look at this new fabric by Windham called Shirts and Ties. It has an old and new feel to it.
These are the cools.

These are the warms, I think they will be very useful in whatever I make.

Now for the "what do you think" part. These are a new marketing item from MODA, called Frivols. You get........
42 - 7 x 7 squares of a line of fabric, in this case it is Hello, Darling
A pattern for the quilt as seen above
A surprise or two
On the back of the tin (yes it is also cute) it says No. 1 which means there will be more to come, cough--- cough---- a collection in the works.

So here is what was inside. The roll of fabrics that I do really like, a cute piece of ribbon that says Handmade, the pattern to make the quilt on the front of the tin, and another pattern and of course the tin.
Inquiring minds want to know, would you pay $45 for this? That is what it cost. To me it feels too much and I most likely (she's says now) won't buy another. Now tell me, what do you think? Oh and I do like the tape measure ribbon on the fabric roll (-:


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Design Challenges

I needed to make a sample for a workshop I will be doing this fall. I gave away all the other quilts I made using the stick tree pattern.

I didn't really like the way it looked just putting the 4 blocks together. So I started making some flying geese to put in between them.

I made them free form, no ruler was used to make them. The points are cut off but it takes the pressure off of trying to match them and it goes with the rest of the quilt.
The colors feel like fall!

So far I like it! I will show you the rest of it next week.

I have 80 bow tie blocks to make for the swap.....better get going.

It's nice to be making a mess again.

Thanks for all the best wishes on the babies. They are doing great and went home on Monday. I am dropping dinner off today and can't wait to see them again.
 I love the the look of promise and love in my son's eyes! (-:


Friday, August 14, 2015

Jaxon and Cameron

Jaxon and Cameron
Congratulations, Colin and Jenny!
Here are the newest member of our family, born yesterday afternoon. Jaxon John is the oldest and he weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz, and Cameron Robert weighed in also at 6 lbs 11 oz. That's a lot of baby!
I love how it looks like they are holding hands and whispering to each other. A grandmother can have her daydreams!

Cameron being a good little boy while his brother gets a bath.

Jenny's mom Bonnie holding Cameron, one of her first two grandchildren. She is going to be a wonderful grandma!

Jaxon after his bath in the warming bassinet to get his temperature up.
So far they look very much alike except for the hair. Jaxon has a lot of it!

Cameron, Colin and Bob

Three generations! Cameron's middle name is Robert after my husband. Jaxon's is John after Jenny's dad, I just love that idea.

I only got to hold Cameron yesterday, so today I am going back to hold both at the same time!


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hello, Hello, Hello Is There Anybody In There?

Sorry for the long break again but we all know how summer can be and I am enjoying a very lovely summer. My sewing has been sporadic and I have been reading a lot as well.

Barb, at Fun With Barb is having another block swap. This time it is bow ties. I made these up real fast this morning just to see if I liked the background fabric and I do. There is a modern swap and a traditional/repro swap. There is a tutorial too, so you don't have to figure it out yourself.

If you think you might be interested in participating, go to her blog and check out all the details. It is a great way to use up scraps and you end up with a nice variety of blocks.
Tell Barb I sent you!
