Monday, April 28, 2014

Feeling Groovy

I have been hoarding  saving this vintage fabric for quite some time waiting for the perfect project. It is terry cloth so it doesn't exactly work for a quilt.

I took apart my ugly gray office chair that I use in  my sewing room.

It was coming apart at the top....I used it for a pattern. This is the back of the top of the chair.

Super simple. If you want to try this just always leave yourself extra fabric all around, you can always cut it down.

I was so happy because I thought I was going to have to take the seat apart. All I did was tip it over on the fabric, wrap it around and staple. It could use a little dusting too.

One very groovy chair.

This is the back piece I cut using the pattern.
I am wondering now how good it will hold up. It may catch every single thread because it is terry cloth, oh well too late now!

This past Saturday night was our Meanix Family Fun Night and Dinner. The kids had a blast on the trampoline. They are all getting so big.

Fallon is the oldest with her very cool red bike, named Ruby, she got for Christmas. On a sad note the next morning they had to put their dog, Cooper down. She was very brave and hugged him goodbye. It was very unexpected.

So who knows what these are? Don't you just want them all even though I am sure most of you would never have any need for them. Only 95 cents each, just let me know what number you want......


Friday, April 25, 2014

Back To The Farm

I got 3 more Farmer's Wife blocks done which brings my count up to 37 blocks. I seriously thought I had more than that, like 40 something.

I messed this one up not once, but twice and decided it was good enough. Those blue half square triangles and the white ones should be in opposite spots.

I love the delicacy of this block.

I totally changed up the colors of this block once I realized it was a bow tie.

I keep the patterns and the fabric I want to use in this zip pouch. It makes it easy to just sit down and sew without trying to decide what fabric I want to use. As you can see I wrote down each color on the pattern so I know exactly what the plan was to make each block

So I have heard through the quilting grapevine, that there are some people out there closely following my progress with these blocks. I would love to know who you are! Now that I know that, I will be a little bit more diligent to get working on them, the pressure is on! I am still not sure if I am doing all 111 but maybe half?


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Oh No!

I made this quilt 6 years ago, for my son, Colin and his wife, Jenny. I loved making it, I loved the colors and I loved how that little bit of applique added just the right touch to the quilt. Sorry about the picture I am having a hard time finding a spot in the house that does not wash out the color.

So imagine my dismay when they brought the quilt over last weekend because the applique is coming off!
My worse nightmare come true!

Upon further inspection I found some leaves that were loose too!

It really is a pretty block....which I will be stitching down again....

I embroidered the year and their initials in the center. It is a little hard to see, the sun is very bright today.

Any suggestions? I have always used silk thread and now I am having second thoughts about using it again.
Even though it is only 6 years old, I like how it looks like an old quilt with the quilting and all puckery.


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Slim Pickins

I am really starting to get a little cranky. I have not had one moment to sit down and sew. Ok maybe that is a bit dramatic but still.....
This block is for the QAL I am participating in. Our assignment this week was to make one block that represented April Showers. This one is literal, the raindrop fabric in light gray as it can be gray in April here in Pennsylvania. The dark gray with the colorful dots can represent snow, that we did get at the beginning of the month or small buds of flowers that we have now at the end of the month.

Our second block was to represent May flowers. The beginning of May has a few flowers but not a lot, so I went with the sprigged flower fabric. At the end of May everything is green and lush, including my porch filled with pollen!

Today is my baby girl's birthday! Happy Birthday Caitlin.
 Every year since she was about 13 we would go birthday shopping and out to lunch. She would pick out her presents, usually clothes.

We are continuing our tradition along with her daughter Maddy. As you can see she has good taste (and expensive) and my love of color. Lilly Pulitzer does have the cutest clothes......


Monday, April 21, 2014


This weekend the weather was perfect for an egg hunt and Easter dinner with the family. We celebrated on Saturday because it worked with everyone's schedule better. The grandkids loved the cupcakes I made complete with Peeps. You've got to love a peep.

Where are lucky to live in an area where there is not a lot of crime. So a few weeks ago I was upset to find that an abandoned paper mill near where I live was covered in graffiti. We waited to see if the owner would clean it up, not so. Enter Kelly and Bob, trespassers and graffiti remediators.
We had to walk along the edge of the creek, in the mud to go around the fence to get in. No less than 100 people had to see us painting over the graffiti.

I think we did a pretty good job matching the existing white. Bob mixed up a bunch of leftover white, gray and black exterior paint he had at the house.
While I am not sure it won't come back, you can be sure we will be back each time to cover it up.
Many  people think of graffiti as "art" and some think of it as "blight". What do you think?
The most creative thing I did this past week was make cupcakes and a new header.......some sewing really needs to be on the schedule. How long can I entertain you with my trespassing escapades?


Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday Already?

Friday came quick this week and for some reason I am dragging with much to do! I saw this fabric and knew it would be a fun one to make something with a granddaughter or two.

I also got some of this cotton tape/ribbon that is so cool. I am not sure what I will do with it yet.

How fun is this?
I am off to run some errands and cook ahead for our Easter dinner/egg hunt  tomorrow.  I am starting to twitch because I have been away from the sewing machine for so long, now that has to change!
 Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, April 17, 2014

QAL, Bee or Swap?

Low Volume Fabrics
One of the things I enjoy about quilting are the endless choices we have to make. I am very easily swayed when it comes to things I see and want to try out.Which leads me to my question......have you ever joined a Quilt Along (QAL), an online bee or a swap? If so what has been your experience? I did a block swap a few years back and about half the people in it did not send out blocks, it was a little disappointing.
Last year I was in a Low Volume Swap that was fabulous, so much so I am in it again this year. I will end up with 36 (10") squares of fabric similar to these above. A low volume fabric usually has a lot of white, cream or gray with a print that still makes it read as a white. Definitely a more contemporary feel.

I used them in this quilt that I made last fall. I think it adds a lot to the quilt, especially if you like scrappy.

A few months ago I was in a Skinny Pincushion swap that was a lot of fun. It took no time to make and I think everyone who signed up, sent one out.

Remember this drawstring bag I made a few weeks ago? You can find the pattern here at Quarter Inch Mark. Chase is having a Quilt Along that I have joined, I have never done one before so this will be new to me, but I am looking forward to it.

These blocks I made last Friday are the beginning of the QAL. If you want to know more you can check it out hereI think it might be fun for my first go at it.
Have you ever participated in any of these? How did it go?


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Quilts + Favorite Color Winner

Last night at the Penn Oaks Quilt guild we had our challenge. The challenge was to make  small (8 x 12) quilts that will be used at our quilt show next year, encouraging people not to touch the quilts. This was mine, the baby looks a little scary.

This one was the winner and in my opinion the best one. Any time a quilt can make you laugh out loud is good! So sit back and I will show you the rest.....

Overall I think they turned out great and are so creative. They will be fun to hang at our quilt show and give people a little chuckle.

I did not forget about the giveaway, the winner is Helen Ernst! Helen you didn't leave an email address. I will give you a couple of day to contact me. I will pick another winner if I don't hear from Helen on Friday. Congratulations Helen!
Our final tally was:

Aqua- 22 Yeah!
Red - 19
Green - 12
Purple - 12   I can't believe purple tied for 3rd place!
Blue - 9   I thought this would place higher, didn't you?
Pink - 9
Orange - 5
Yellow - 4
Gray - 1
Back - 0
Brown - 0
White - 0
So there you have it, our very scientific poll. I very much enjoyed reading all 47 comments. I thank you for you opinions but I think we can agree we need all those colors or quilting would not be much fun with only one!
