Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fons and Porter Online Class Give Away!

Recently I was contacted by Fons and Porter to do a review on any class that they offer. I picked a paper pieced pattern called, Times Square. I thought the video was well done and the instructions were very clear. It was a good way to see how paper piecing works if you have never tried it. There were also some good tips that will help you be successful in a short amount of time. The curved piecing was interesting to watch as well, I am always looking to improve my curves! Included in this class were fabric requirements and patterns to print out.

I feel that a lot of quilters love the idea of an online class as they can access them on their own time table and watch them over and over again.

The good news is they have asked me to do a give away to one of my readers! Go to Daily Craft TV
look over the classes they offer. Leave me a comment about why you like to take classes, which one you would pick and why. I will pick a name on Tuesday, September 3 to celebrate my 3rd blogging anniversary.

Other than allowing me to access a class for free, I have no affiliation and was not compensated from Fons and Porter. I do like their magazines though, especially Quilty which is a little more on the contemporary side. Check it out the next time you are at the store.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wednesday Morning

Yes I am back to making some pot holders.....I do like this pattern. It is from the book Patchwork Please! by Ayumi Takahashi. I don't have the binding on yet and have never bound this shape.

The Chaos quilt is finished.....

This cute butterfly fabric was given to me by my daughter in law Mary. I love it when non sewing people go out of the box and buy me fabric. It is always fun to see what they like!

Be warned family heavy pictures to follow....
This past weekend my brother in law and his wife moved. Most of the family helped them get settled.

Dylan was painting....

Noah, Macen and Wyatt
Cousins were hanging out and helping....

Kevin and John
Beds were put together....

Electrical issues were fixed....

Clothes were hung up.....

Elaborate clothes hangers even got their own truck.....just checking to see if you are still with me.

A hot tub was moved! No easy feat. Now we know it takes 9 Meanixes to move a hot tub!

John, Kevin, Jim, ?, Dylan, Rick, Chip and Bob

I think they are congratulating themselves....there was a lot of discussion about this! This is one of those times that a big family comes in handy. In less than 24 hours after settlement all of their possessions were moved, not bad!


Friday, August 23, 2013

Chaos Quilt

This is the quilt that got me back to normal. I started this in August at a mini get away at my friend Christine's home. I originally saw the pattern on Pinterest, it is from a blog called My Poppet found HERE.

It was so much fun going through my scraps and finding my favorite colors. I am calling this quilt "chaos".

 I was a little rusty after my little hiatus. I must have made 7 or 8 rejected blocks before I finished up this little quilt.

A little straight line quilting and I was done! I tried something different for the quilting. I used Aurifil thread with the green bottom ( I can't remember the number right now) and lengthened my stitch to 4 on my Bernina. I got a nicer looking stitch and it was much more even. Now all I need to do it get it bound.

I have a love/hate relationship with my morning glories. They are so beautiful but they are very invasive. Every year I lose the battle in my vegetable garden to eradicate them!

I think it looks like there is a light in the center of this one, and the star is pretty cool too.

Paired with the black eyed susans around the mailbox, they are perfect.


Thursday, August 22, 2013

A New Blog To Check Out

My friend, Terry has started a new BLOG that you need to check out. While I think everyone is an artist in some way shape or form, Terry is a true artist in every sense of the word. Her quilts are amazing and she has won some prestigious awards (yes Houston!).

She very witty and her friends have been nagging her to start her blog for a while now. You may remember the story about the SPANX, yes that was this Terry. I re-read it this morning and laughed all over again!

She is also hiking the Appalachian Trail in her spare time. Go check it out now and be sure to look at the Gallery. Leave her a nice comment so she will be encouraged, you bloggers will remember how it was in the beginning.

My sewing room is clean, sewing was done yesterday and hopefully tomorrow I will have something to show you.


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Miscellaneous Wednesday

I am having a hard time getting back to blogging. I thought the break would make me more inspired but in reality it has not worked.
I bought this Orla Kiely phone case at Target a while back and love the design. Everywhere you look there are quilt inspired things.

Today, after this post I am going to clean my sewing room so I can actually sew.

It is pretty bad. We needed to use one of my tables for one of the many parties over the past 2 weeks. I just threw everything where ever I could to get the table out.

I want to get back to working on this blue quilt.......

and this one.......

and this one......the last 2 just need a border and some quilting and they will be done!

But temptation is always around the corner. There are some simple yet fun quilts in this book and I love the colors of her fabrics.

and there is that selvage quilt I have been wanting to do.....too many choices, too many good patterns and great fabrics.
What are you working on today?


Monday, August 19, 2013

Catching Up!


The week before the wedding my sister and her family came to stay with us, we went to the beach.....Maddy is the only one brave enough to have her picture taken in a bathing suit!

I took them to Intercourse, PA to see the Amish......


A birthday party for my niece, Hall who turned 21.....

AJ and Jan

another party the day after the wedding.......No wonder I am still tired!

I am starting to want to sew again and this book may just be the ticket.

A stack of fabrics to stare at as I come out of the fog.

A doable yet fun and interesting quilt to contemplate. I need to get a project ready for a getaway that is planned for the end of next month. Mine will be a little bit bigger so it will fit on a bed.

Thank you all for the nice compliments and best wishes on my daughter's wedding. It really was a perfect day and we all were very happy. Yes, she looked beautiful and she is the same way inside too.
While I was away my page view count went up to 201,500! Were you looking for wedding pics?
I will be having a give away soon.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Mrs Kelly

It was a wonderful day! The sun was shining and everything was perfect. This is Caitlin in the limo waiting to go into the church.

Jenny, Amanda, Cait, Wendy and Kelly
This is at the hotel getting ready with some of her girls.

Maddy and Fallon
Hair dos for the little ones too.

Pretty dresses....

Pretty friends....

A gift from the groom that made her cry.....

A gigantic disco like limo....

The reception was held at Greystone Hall. It was fantastic and so was the staff, I highly recommend it.

A dance with her dad that made me cry!

and made her smile....

A picture with the Philadelphia skyline in the background on the Philadelphia Art Museum steps. We opted not to take one with Rocky, there was a line.....

Mom and dad were happy.....

Maddy was tired at the end of a very long day.

Mr and Mrs James Kelly

I think they will live happily ever after!

My company left today and I am very tired. I hope to get back to posting on a more regular schedule next week.
